Finland joins the #IPv6 club

Network operator measurements for June have just been published and they clearly show the growing impact of the recent Finnish national IPv6 Launch event. We are measuring Finnish networks and their IPv6 deployment percentages are as follows:

Sonera 0.14%
DNA 17.7%
Elisa 2.25%
Kasenet 9.11%
MPY 0.16%
Suomicom 5.06%
Alcom 0.98%

DNA Oy started on their deployment a few months ago and the impact of recent activity is clear in this graph:

The Finnish event was timed to coincide with the 3rd anniversary of World IPv6 Launch and you can read more about that here.

Other new entrants this month include: Energy Group, 54.96% and Fastweb spa, 0.11%.

The next few months promise to be an exciting time for IPv6 deployment around the world as Apple have announced that IPv6 support will be a requirement for submission of apps to their app store from the release of iOS9 onwards.

Of course the networks we’re measuring are those that are ready for the increased use of IPv6. If you want to join them, please register your network for measurement.

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