We’ve published our latest measurements (and graphs for the top 10) of IPv6 Launch network operators. We continue to see encouraging growth in measured deployment across many networks both large and small.
If you have an IPv6 deployment underway, register your network and get some public recognition for your efforts. We expect to continue measuring IPv6 Launch network operators throughout 2014.
Last month we highlighted the arrival of Belgian operator Telenet in our network operator measurements and this month’s World IPv6 Launch measurements continue the theme: Telenet’s IPv6 deployment has more than doubled from 12.17% to 28.35%, and they’ve been joined by another new Belgian operator in the form of Belgacom, currently measured at 7.50% IPv6 deployment.
This month we’re rolling out a new feature for the top 10 measured networks: longitudinal graphs of the deployment numbers to show deployment variations over time. These charts certainly present a pretty compelling picture of rapid and substantial IPv6 deployment!
Finally, a hat tip to content distribution network operator Cloudflare who were in the news this week as they announced that they will be enabling IPv6 connectivity by default for all new customers. The chart below shows our reported measurements for Cloudflare over the last few months – clearly IPv6 activity is ramping up!

Cloudflare IPv6 Deployment
World IPv6 Launch network operator measurements for February 2014 have just been published and we’re delighted to report a brand new entrant in the form of Belgium’s Telenet. Telenet have already achieved an impressive deployment measure of 12.17% and are showing continued strong IPv6 deployment. Telenet is the largest provider of cable broadband services in Belgium.
Otherwise, we continue to see strong growth in IPv6 deployment across many major (and not so major) fixed and wireless operators from all over the globe. All of this tremendous effort is contributing to growth in global statistics like the percentage of Google users that access their services using IPv6, which recently passed the 3% threshold.
We’ve just released the first installment of IPv6 network operator measurements for 2014 and they show continuing growth across many of the hundreds of networks we’re reporting on. Some of these networks are very large indeed and represent significant volumes of IPv6 data on the Internet today. One such is Deutsche Telekom which continues to demonstrate impressive growth even despite the holiday season. This is great to see and shows real commitment to widespread IPv6 deployment. Go DT!

Deutsche Telekom IPv6 deployment growth
We’ve just published our last IPv6 network operator measurements update for 2013. IPv6 deployment is continuing to grow across the hundreds of networks that we’re measuring. In the last twelve months we’ve seen huge increases in IPv6 deployment percentages for some of the world’s largest networks. Here’s to even more rapid IPv6 deployment growth in 2014!