Updated IPv6 Launch network operator measurements for November 2013 are now available in the usual place. Comcast have been making rapid progress with their IPv6 rollout as evidenced by the strong growth trend over recent months.

Comcast IPv6 Deployment
Another North American cable operator showing consistent recent growth is Time Warner Cable and this month’s update has proved no exception.

Time Warner Cable IPv6 Deployment
Other networks are also showing continued strong growth in their IPv6 deployment numbers and we are now reporting on over 200 networks for the first time. Google also continuously measure the availability of IPv6 connectivity among Google users. They publish a graph that shows the percentage of users that access Google over IPv6. The Internet Society commented recently on the milestone of 2% deployment being passed. In the last 8 weeks, Google’s reported figure for IPv6 adoption has gone from 2% to 2.5%. These are all very welcome and positive indications that IPv6 deployment is continuing across the Internet.
With real deployment of IPv6 happening around the world since the time of World IPv6 Launch, what does “success” look like? How much IPv6 traffic is “enough”? What are key milestones for IPv6 progress?
Those questions and more will be discussed by panelists at the Internet Society Briefing Panel at IETF 88 happening tomorrow, November 5, 2013, from 11:45-12:45 Pacific time (19:45-20:45 UTC) in Vancouver, BC, Canada. As outlined in an Internet Society blog post, the panelists will include:
- Leslie Daigle, moderator, (Internet Society)
- John Brzozowski (Comcast Cable)
- Erik Nordmark (Arista)
- Chris Palmer (Microsoft)
The event will be streamed live via video and also streamed live via audio and also recorded for later viewing.
We’ve published measurement results for September 2013 in the usual place.
Many operators continue to show significant progress in their IPv6 deployment activities.
If you’re involved with an IPv6 deployment activity, register your network here and we’ll start tracking and publicising your commitment to IPv6.
Today we published updated results from our ongoing World IPv6 Launch network operator measurements and for the first time we include measurements from Akamai in our analysis. This additional data has allowed us to include IPv6 deployment results for over a hundred additional networks which brings the total number of registered networks with IPv6 deployment results that we can publish to 216. The large increase comes about as we now have greater coverage of registered networks from more than one source of measurements, a requirement for our methodology. If you’d like to see your network listed in our measurements results, register here.
These numbers shed light on the scope and scale of IPv6 deployment initiatives taking place at network operators worldwide and it’s very exciting to see the (sometimes very rapid) progress being made. For example, Comcast, a major cable ISP in the US, has clearly been busy over recent weeks as this chart of their World IPv6 Launch deployment results shows.

Comcast IPv6 Deployment, 2012 – 2013
We’ll continue to update our measurement results on a monthly basis, so remember to check back to see who next month’s movers and shakers are.
The latest updated IPv6 measurements are now available for July 2013. More operators continue to add themselves to our measurements list and we see more IPv6 access from more places. Noteworthy this month is Singaporean ISP, M1, who entered the list this month, and also Hughes Network Systems who has a major IPv6 deployment that they have been rolling out for some time.
If you are a network operator deploying IPv6 and would like to be included in our measurements, please register for inclusion.