We’ve just published updated numbers from our IPv6 network operator measurements and once more we see more operators delivering more IPv6 in more places around the globe. One noteworthy new addition to our listings is Singaporean ISP StarHub who have gone from less than 0.1% to over 8% IPv6 deployment in the space of a month.
Network operators deploying IPv6 should register for inclusion in our measurements.
One year ago today, thousands of people around the world came together to permanently enable IPv6 on their websites, access networks and in their devices.
As we’ve noted this week through our news release and then infographic, the world has changed greatly in this past year. The percentage of users using IPv6 has doubled and in fact more than doubled for many of the networks we are now measuring.
Articles, blog posts and other media are popping up all across the Internet today as so many people join in the celebration – we’re seeing them in the #v6launch and #IPv6 hashtags on Twitter, we’re seeing them on Google+, on Facebook, in LinkedIn groups… and everywhere.
THANK YOU for all you have done over this past year to help move IPv6 forward!
Together we have made IPv6 an integral part of the global Internet and a regular aspect of mainstream network planning and deployment – and we look forward to continuing to work with all of you over the months and years ahead.
Thank you!
How has the Internet changed in the one year since World IPv6 Launch? How many more sites, network operators and home router vendors are now using IPv6? In honor of the 1-year anniversary of World IPv6 Launch, we’ve released an updated infographic at:
Please feel free to pass this link around and to share or embed the infographic in your own materials. (Clicking / tapping the image below will take you to the full version.)

As the one-year anniversary of World IPv6 Launch approaches this Thursday, we’ve issued a news release celebrating the one-year anniversary and noting that the overall number of IPv6-connected users has doubled since the big day last year. Among the highlights of the news release:
- Google reports the number of visitors to its sites using IPv6 has more than doubled in the past year.
- The number of networks that have deployed IPv6 continues to grow, with more than 100 worldwide reporting significant IPv6 traffic.
- Australian ISP Internode reports that 10 percent of its customers now use IPv6 to access the Internet.
- Akamai reports that it is currently delivering approximately 10 billion requests per day over IPv6, which represents a 250 percent growth rate since June of last year.
- KDDI measurement shows that the number of IPv6 users of KDDI has doubled and that IPv6 traffic has increased approximately three times from last year.
Beyond those bullet points, our IPv6 measurements page shows that some networks have significantly higher IPv6 usage already.
Throughout this week we’ll be bringing you more information about IPv6 usage one year after World IPv6 Launch. The best way to keep track may be to follow us at one of:
We’ll be engaging in conversations across those and other channels and updating them with links to new content about IPv6.
Thursday marks the 1-year anniversary of World IPv6 Launch – what have you done in that year to support IPv6?
IPv6 deployment doesn’t have to be a gradual process, providing it has been well planned in advance. In last month’s results Swisscom had a deployment measure of 0.88%. Compare this month’s results that we’ve just published and you’ll see Swisscom now ranked in 8th position with measured IPv6 deployment of 14.88%. This increase isn’t an aberration either and is supported by other public measures of IPv6 deployment.
It’s great to see another major Internet provider like Swisscom joining the many industry leading organisations that are helping to deliver ‘the new normal’ for the Internet. For others still hesitating this is another indication that there’s really no impediment left to large-scale IPv6 deployment.