More measurements, more IPv6

Updated network operator measurements have been posted for April. See the measurements page for details. Many operators continue to show increasing numbers of IPv6 users on their networks, for example measurements from our sources now show more than 25% for Verizon Wireless.

More operators, more IPv6 – 2013 off to a flying start

We’ve just published the first IPv6 network operator statistics update for 2013 and we’re off to a flying start with tens of additional networks making the grade and qualifying for listing. Some of the new listings are worth highlighting: Deutsche Telekom, Telefonica del Peru, and VOO from Belgium are all new entrants that are already in the top 12 operators listed, meaning they are already delivering services for significant numbers of IPv6 users.

Updated network operator measurements – two new Japanese operators make the top 10!

We have published the latest measurement results* for World IPv6 Launch network operator participants. We now present data for 73 networks, 65 of which are now exceeding the World IPv6 Launch target of 1% traffic over IPv6. New entrants include the Japanese ISPs Chubu Telecommunications and Softbank BB. Several of the 73 listed networks are now delivering more than 50% of their users over IPv6, and Gustavus Adolphus College network is delivering over 75% of their users over IPv6.

This update will be our final update for 2012, a year that has seen huge deployments of IPv6 technology all the way to the edge of broadband Internet services. We hope to continue our measurement work in 2013, so check back in the new year for news and follow us for the latest updates.

* Results are ranked by volume of traffic measured by Google. The percentages are a simple average of measurement results from multiple sources. Our measurement sources are Google, Yahoo! and Facebook and we have published results for all network operator participants for which we have at least two measurement sources and for which the simple average of those measurements is greater than 0.1%. Further detail on the measurement methodology is available here.

Global IPv6 traffic over 1% and rising fast

World IPv6 Launch set a threshold of 1% IPv6 traffic measured by major content providers (Google, Facebook and Yahoo!) for network operator participants to meet. Many individual network operators took up this challenge and met it (see our measurements page for more details).

The global Internet has now passed an even more significant milestone with Google now reporting that the percentage of users accessing Google over native IPv6 regularly exceeds 1% and continues to rise. This number indicates the cumulative impact of widespread and growing network operator deployment and enablement of IPv6 services to their subscribers on one large content provider. Mark Townsley of Cisco has written a nice article which outlines the importance and significance of this event, noting that, “If this trend continues, [IPv6 user activity] will double again by mid next year and could break past 10% by the end of 2014.”

It is worth noting that for operators that have already widely deployed and enabled IPv6 to their subscribers and where those subscribers are largely IPv6 capable themselves, IPv6 traffic levels in excess of 50% are already observed and reported in our measurements. The state of IPv6 is clear – launched and gathering momentum rapidly!

We have published the latest measurement results for World IPv6 Launch network operator participants. We now present data for 99 networks, a 10% increase on September’s figures. This is a result of new networks registering to join the Launch effort and already registered networks passing the measurement thresholds. A total of 77 networks are now exceeding the World IPv6 Launch target of 1% traffic over IPv6, many are carrying much higher percentages of IPv6 traffic.

A ‘new entrant’ in the Top 10 is OVH (AS16276) with a measured increase in IPv6 traffic of over 10% from last month.

The results are ranked by volume of traffic measured by Google. The percentages are a simple average of measurement results from multiple sources. Our measurement sources are Google, Yahoo! and Facebook and we have published results for all network operator participants for which we have at least two measurement sources and for which the simple average of those measurements is greater than 0.1%. Further detail on the measurement methodology is available here.