As we stand only about 5 hours away from the official launch at 00:00 UTC, we were delighted to see the list of participating websites cruise over the 3,000 mark!
That’s 3,000+ websites – including the top 4 and many other major sites – that have agreed to permanently enable IPv6. Thank you to everyone who has registered so far… and we look forward to this being only the start of the “new normal” of the Internet.
This is, indeed, shaping up to be a fantastic day for the new era of the Internet!
As the excitement builds for World IPv6 Launch in just about 8 hours, are you planning to tweet or retweet links related to the event? If so, can we please ask you to use the #v6launch hashtag? That will let us track all the great news.
And if you aren’t already following @WorldIPv6Launch on Twitter, please do!
In less than 12 hours, IPv6 becomes “the new normal” for the Internet. Are you ready? Is your website accessible over both IPv4 and IPv6? What are you doing to celebrate the launch of this new era for the Internet?