We are pleased to announce the latest installment of our monthly IPv6 network operator measurements, for July 2015. There are a couple of new entrants to draw attention to this month, coincidentally both from the Netherlands.
– KPN (2.50% IPv6 deployment), the former state telco of the Netherlands, is now a major fixed and mobile telecomunications company based in the Hague.
– University of Twente (21.33% IPv6 deployment) is located in Enschede, Netherlands and offers research and degree programs in engineering and in the social and behavioural sciences.
In our last post we mentioned that Apple have announced that IPv6 support will be a requirement for submission of apps to their app store from the release of iOS9 onwards. Another Apple-related development that may have a noticeable impact on our World IPv6 Launch measurements is the change to networking functionality that is part of the new OSX release, El Capitan. This change will mean that devices running OSX will start to more strongly prefer IPv6 over IPv4 in future and should result in an uptick in IPv6 use.
Exciting times for IPv6 deployment!
Network operator measurements for June have just been published and they clearly show the growing impact of the recent Finnish national IPv6 Launch event. We are measuring Finnish networks and their IPv6 deployment percentages are as follows:
Sonera 0.14%
DNA 17.7%
Elisa 2.25%
Kasenet 9.11%
MPY 0.16%
Suomicom 5.06%
Alcom 0.98%
DNA Oy started on their deployment a few months ago and the impact of recent activity is clear in this graph:

The Finnish event was timed to coincide with the 3rd anniversary of World IPv6 Launch and you can read more about that here.
Other new entrants this month include: Energy Group, 54.96% and Fastweb spa, 0.11%.
The next few months promise to be an exciting time for IPv6 deployment around the world as Apple have announced that IPv6 support will be a requirement for submission of apps to their app store from the release of iOS9 onwards.
Of course the networks we’re measuring are those that are ready for the increased use of IPv6. If you want to join them, please register your network for measurement.
Well that didn’t take long. As we predicted last month, “it won’t be long before IPv6 will be the dominant protocol to major web properties from AT&T’s network.” And as our latest World IPv6 Launch network operator measurement results show, that is now the case with AT&T ranked in 1st position with IPv6 deployment of 52.13%.
Something we couldn’t have predicted was the arrival of Saudi Arabia on the IPv6 stage. Now in 18th position with an IPv6 deployment measure of 7.07%, Saudi Telecom Company clearly mean business. There’s more information about this deployment in a recent lightning talk from Sander Steffann.
Other new entrants this month include MEO who have been building IPv6 deployment in Portugal for some time and are now included in our rankings in 17th position with IPv6 deployment of 44.11%, GVT of Brazil in 23rd position (3.47%), Sprint Wireless of the USA in 40th position (1.6%) and Ziggo, the largest cable operator in the Netherlands, in 64th position (0.53%).
And don’t forget – if you’re turning up IPv6 on your network please register your AS number and be counted!
New World IPv6 Launch network operator measurement results have just been published for the month of April, 2015.
Perhaps the most striking news this month is that after several years of steady and consistent growth in IPv6 deployment, AT&T now sit at the number 1 spot in our rankings of IPv6 deployments globally. This is a pretty significant achievement and it’s also worth noting that it won’t be long before IPv6 will be the dominant protocol to major web properties from AT&T’s network.
We also have a new entrant to highlight this month in the form of Bolivian telecoms cooperative Comteco who enter our listings this month with an IPv6 deployment measurement of 9.43%.
And don’t forget – if you’re turning up IPv6 on your network please register your AS number and be counted!
New World IPv6 Launch network operator measurement results have just been published for the month of March, 2015.
Keen observers will note some fairly large shifts in the IPv6 deployment percentages for some of the higher-ranked networks, and fewer networks overall than we have reported on recently. The reasons for this are down to some changes in the way we’re handling data from our measurement sources (Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, Akamai and LinkedIn). In an effort to present a more accurate (or perhaps, less inaccurate) measurement, we’re excluding any data sources that look like outliers to our algorithm. Hopefully this will result in smoother tracking of IPv6 deployment over time, and a more accurate representation of levels of deployment activity currently underway.
Some new entrants in this month’s figures to call attention to:
– AT&T Wireless at 0.93%
– Deutsche Glasfaser at 41.94%
– Premier Communications at 4.13%
And don’t forget – if you’re turning up IPv6 on your network please register your AS number and be counted!