A little later than usual we’ve just uploaded our latest monthly measurement update.
A couple of things to highlight this month:
– Strong IPv6 deployment growth at T-Mobile USA continues and this month they crossed the 50% IPv6 barrier. A great achievement for a major wireless network.
– Japanese ISP STnet have joined the ranks of World IPv6 Launch networks and show up in this month’s rankings with over 36% IPv6 deployment.
Don’t forget – if you’re turning up IPv6 on your network please register and be counted!
The new year has begun very auspiciously for IPv6 deployment as our latest measurements update indicates. Network operators have had a busy holiday season upgrading their network footprints to support IPv6.
Major operators like Comcast, AT&T, T-Mobile USA, Telenet, Liberty Global, Telekom Malaysia, Telefonica Czech Republic, VOO, XS4ALL, Tele2 and many others have seen significant growth in the past month or two. Others show continued steady progress, some to really impressive levels of deployment, like Verizon Wireless.
We mentioned British Sky Broadcasting in our last post. In the last month they’ve moved from 2% to more than 9% deployment. In Estonia, Elion have started their deployment in great style as the graph below illustrates.

Elion IPv6 Deployment
In our last post for 2014 we announced that LinkedIn had started providing data for our World IPv6 Launch measurements. We’re delighted to now also be able to share that Facebook are once again providing us with data, adding to the stability of our measurements.
Don’t forget – if you’re turning up IPv6 on your network please register and be counted!
We’re excited to announce that LinkedIn has recently started providing data for our World IPv6 Launch measurements. They join Akamai, Google and Yahoo! as our set of measurement sources and will help to deliver a more robust measure of IPv6 deployment for registered networks.
The latest update to our measurements, including input from LinkedIn for the first time, has been published. You’ll notice that the inclusion of new data has resulted in some networks showing a noticeable increase or decrease on previous trends. This is a natural consequence of incorporating another measurement source. We expect to see the overall rising IPv6 deployment trend continue in the coming months.
A new entrant this month is British Sky Broadcasting (AS5607) with a measured IPv6 deployment of 1.90%. It’s great to see a major UK operator finally making serious IPv6 deployment efforts.
Last month we highlighted SKTelecom, one of the largest South Korean mobile network operators. Then they had just begun their rollout and they are clearly making progress, with measured IPv6 deployment increasing from 0.34% to 1.33% – great progress in the space of a month!
Don’t forget – if you’re turning up IPv6 on your network please register and be counted!
We’ve just published the latest update to our measurements of World IPv6 Launch network operators. We continue to see very encouraging growth in measured deployment across hundreds of networks both large and small.
This month T-Mobile USA, who have been growing their IPv6 deployment at a remarkable pace over recent months, joined the top 10 with over 43% IPv6 deployment. Their measured deployment has grown from less than 5% in just 12 months!
A new entrant to highlight is SKTelecom, one of the largest South Korean mobile network operators. They have just begun their rollout so expect to see their measured IPv6 deployment grow over the coming months.
Don’t forget – if you’re turning up IPv6 on your network please register and be counted!
We expect to continue measuring IPv6 Launch network operators throughout 2014.
We’ve just published the latest update to our measurements of World IPv6 Launch network operators. We continue to see very encouraging growth in measured deployment across hundreds of networks both large and small.
Don’t forget – if you’re turning up IPv6 on your network please register and be counted!
We expect to continue measuring IPv6 Launch network operators throughout 2014.